Intel: Motherboard Makers Are to Blame for Gaming Instability With Its CPUs

For the past few weeks, there have been reports of instability in certain games while running a late-model “unlocked” Intel CPU. Intel first announced it was looking into the issue but didn’t have a solution yet. That was followed by motherboard manufacturers adding an “Intel Baseline Profile” to a BIOS update that lowered clocks and voltages and reportedly solved the issue, hinting at the real culprit. Now Igor’s Lab has unearthed a letter from Intel to OEMs discussing the problem, which blames the BIOS makers for providing CPU settings that were a tad too ambitious.

The letter is pretty self-explanatory: Companies like Asus, Gigabyte, and so forth have been offering settings via the BIOS that exceed Intel’s specifications. This situation can lead to “sustained high voltage,” leading to higher frequencies and temperatures. Intel says the actual “root cause” is still undetermined. Still, its analysis of affected processors shows that processors operating beyond minimum voltage levels are operating outside of Intel’s specs.

Intel Baseline Profile

Motherboard makers have begun adding a baseline profile to Intel chipset BIOSes that solves the issues by lowering clocks and voltages to Intel’s default spec.
Credit: Quasarzone forum

The company’s analysis states that unlocked processors are affected, which we already knew, and that they’re being run on BIOSes with thermal and power delivery safeguards removed. At this point, you can see the writing on the wall, as companies essentially allowed for extreme overclocking to say their motherboards offered the highest level of performance for Intel CPUs. Igor notes that Intel was on board with this situation since it made its chips look good. However, things have gone too far, and Intel is asking motherboard manufacturers to dial it back a bit.

The company writes, “Intel requests system and motherboard manufacturers to provide end users with a default BIOS profile that matches Intel recommended settings.” Intel also advises BIOS makers to add warnings that would appear when the user changes the settings for the CPU’s voltage and thermal limits, urging them to proceed with caution.

Oddly, Intel says it’s still investigating this phenomenon to find the root cause of the issue. That said, it sounds close to finalizing its investigation as it says it’ll be announcing the final verdict in May, so it has some leeway in terms of when it will drop the hammer on these renegade BIOS makers.

Critics question tech-heavy lineup of new Homeland Security AI safety board

A modified photo of a 1956 scientist carefully bottling

On Friday, the US Department of Homeland Security announced the formation of an Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board that consists of 22 members pulled from the tech industry, government, academia, and civil rights organizations. But given the nebulous nature of the term “AI,” which can apply to a broad spectrum of computer technology, it’s unclear if this group will even be able to agree on what exactly they are safeguarding us from.

President Biden directed DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to establish the board, which will meet for the first time in early May and subsequently on a quarterly basis.

The fundamental assumption posed by the board’s existence, and reflected in Biden’s AI executive order from October, is that AI is an inherently risky technology and that American citizens and businesses need to be protected from its misuse. Along those lines, the goal of the group is to help guard against foreign adversaries using AI to disrupt US infrastructure; develop recommendations to ensure the safe adoption of AI tech into transportation, energy, and Internet services; foster cross-sector collaboration between government and businesses; and create a forum where AI leaders to share information on AI security risks with the DHS.

It’s worth noting that the ill-defined nature of the term “Artificial Intelligence” does the new board no favors regarding scope and focus. AI can mean many different things: It can power a chatbot, fly an airplane, control the ghosts in Pac-Man, regulate the temperature of a nuclear reactor, or play a great game of chess. It can be all those things and more, and since many of those applications of AI work very differently, there’s no guarantee any two people on the board will be thinking about the same type of AI.

This confusion is reflected in the quotes provided by the DHS press release from new board members, some of whom are already talking about different types of AI. While OpenAI, Microsoft, and Anthropic are monetizing generative AI systems like ChatGPT based on large language models (LLMs), Ed Bastian, the CEO of Delta Air Lines, refers to entirely different classes of machine learning when he says, “By driving innovative tools like crew resourcing and turbulence prediction, AI is already making significant contributions to the reliability of our nation’s air travel system.”

So, defining the scope of what AI exactly means—and which applications of AI are new or dangerous—might be one of the key challenges for the new board.

A roundtable of Big Tech CEOs attracts criticism

For the inaugural meeting of the AI Safety and Security Board, the DHS selected a tech industry-heavy group, populated with CEOs of four major AI vendors (Sam Altman of OpenAI, Satya Nadella of Microsoft, Sundar Pichai of Alphabet, and Dario Amodei of Anthopic), CEO Jensen Huang of top AI chipmaker Nvidia, and representatives from other major tech companies like IBM, Adobe, Amazon, Cisco, and AMD. There are also reps from big aerospace and aviation: Northrop Grumman and Delta Air Lines.

Upon reading the announcement, some critics took issue with the board composition. On LinkedIn, founder of The Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR) Timnit Gebru especially criticized OpenAI’s presence on the board and wrote, “I’ve now seen the full list and it is hilarious. Foxes guarding the hen house is an understatement.”

5 Hobbies That’ll Make You A Better Gamer

Gaming is always one of the more enjoyable hobbies to get involved in, and it’s easy to see why countless people enjoy it. That doesn’t mean it’s the only hobby gamers should have. Instead, it’s always worth having a few more on top of it.

As surprising as it sounds, there are even a few hobbies that’ll make you a better gamer.

These can take your gaming skills to the next level in various ways. While some mightn’t have a direct impact on your gaming, they could have an indirect one. It’s worth taking a look at five of the more enjoyable ones you could try.

Hobbies That’ll Make You A Better Gamer: 5 Top Picks

1. Trying Chess

Strategy is one of the most popular genres on the planet, and you’ll likely be a fan of a few games that have a strong emphasis on it. That doesn’t always mean players excel at strategy, and you could need to work on your strategic thinking. While this sounds boring, it doesn’t have to be.

With chess, it could be a lot more fun than you would’ve thought. While this is best played in person with someone else, you can also play it against a computer. Either way, you’ll give the strategic part of your brain more of a workout. You’ve no reason not to try it.

2. Getting Sporty

First-person shooters and similar games rely on a pretty quick reaction time if you want to win. In-game, it’s literally life and death, so you’ll need to be fast. One of the best ways to improve your reaction times is to get involved in sport. Some sports can help with this a lot better than you’d think.

Soccer and basketball can be some of the more notable of these. Then there’s the fact it can help you get and stay fit, which is always a welcome benefit. With how enjoyable sports can be, there’s no reason why this shouldn’t be something you consider.

3. Playing Poker

Role-playing games and similar genres often force you to analyze a situation and come to a decision about what to do. There’ll even be consequences for your decision. Sometimes, you could even feel like you’re under a little pressure when you’re making these decisions. That isn’t helpful for actually making it.

The easiest way to get better with this is to put yourself into similar situations, but with much lower stakes, in real life. Poker is a great way to do this. You can get much better at making decisions under minor pressure, letting you do it better with video game decisions, too.

4. Doing Puzzles

You’ll come across countless problems you need to solve in gaming, especially with certain genres. While some of these can be simple, others can be relatively complicated. One way to make this easier is to work on your problem solving skills, which doesn’t have to be as boring as you’d think.

Doing puzzles can be one of the more notable of these, especially if you’re already a fan of puzzle-based games. Real-life versions can often be much more enjoyable and let you relax more than you’d think. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy yourself while working on your problem-solving skills.

5. Learning An Instrument

There are quite a few games where you’ll need to master your timing. Attacking, dodging, and even parrying at the right time could be the difference between winning or death. Learning an instrument can help you work on this while also teaching you a few other skills while you’re at it.

Then there’s the fact learning an instrument can just be a fun thing to do. No matter which instrument you end up learning, you’ll be playing your favorite songs before you know it. You’ll have to be prepared to put the time and effort into it, though. Once you do, it can be one of the more rewarding hobbies.

Hobbies That’ll Make You A Better Gamer: Wrapping Up

There are more than a few hobbies that’ll make you a better gamer, and they can all be more fun than you’d think. Add in the multiple other benefits they offer, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t at least consider them.

You could find yourself having just as much fun as when you’re gaming, and you might even make your gaming time better. You’ve no reason not to at least consider a few hobbies. You could be more interested in them than you might’ve thought.

How to Create Consistent Characters in Midjourney (Character Reference Guide)

If you’re using Midjourney, you might know the struggle of creating consistent characters.

But here’s the Good News!! Midjourney has finally released the most anticipated feature called Character Reference.

Midjourney’s new Character Reference feature allows users to create consistent characters without distortions by matching a reference image, similar to the Style Reference feature but focusing on character likeness instead of style.

So, we have tried the Character Reference and generated a lot of consistent images with Midjourney. Excited to learn how to create consistent images in Midjourney?

Let’s get started!

What’s The Latest Character Reference Feature in Midjourney

The Character Reference feature works similarly to the existing Style Reference feature, but instead of focusing on matching a particular artistic style, it prioritizes the character’s appearance.

Character Reference Feature in Midjourney
Credits: Tatiana Tsiguleva (𝕏)

By uploading a reference image and using the --cref URL command followed by the image URL, you can guide Midjourney to generate characters that closely resemble the provided reference.

You can adjust the strength of the reference using the --cw command, with values ranging from 0 to 100. At the default strength of 100, Midjourney will consider the character’s face, hair, and clothing when generating the image.

Check out this image below. See how consistent this is from every angle?

consistent midjourney images
Credits: @Ror_Fly (𝕏)
Prompt Used👇

Base Prompt:

Photo type: street photography portrait, extreme closeup, subject: 30 year old man, jubilant expression, tan skin, dirty blonde hair, beard stubble, wearing: grey acid washed oversized hoodie, lime green beanie, subject focus: sharp focus, environment: set against a black concrete wall, texture: artfully cracked concrete, image type: 35mm --ar 9:16

CREF Prompt:

Photo type: street photography portrait, closeup, subject: 30 year old man, sitting on a curb, comfortable pose, extending his arm upwards, taking a selfie with an iphone, looking upwards at the phone, dirty blonde hair, beard stubble, wearing: grey acid washed oversized hoodie, black jeans, lime green beanie, subject focus: sharp focus, mid ground, environment: set against a black concrete wall, texture: artfully cracked concrete, image type: 35mm --ar 9:16 --cref {image link} --cw 90

The best part is if you’re a pro user, you can take the Character Reference feature even further by blending information from multiple images.

By providing multiple URLs separated by spaces after the --cref command, you can create unique character combinations, similar to using multiple image or style prompts.

But why this feature is so exciting? Here are some of the reasons that we think make Midjourney a much better alternative now compared to other AI image generators:

As we have covered what the Character Reference feature is and what it can do, let’s now see a step-by-step process on how you can create consistent character images with Midjourney.

How To Create Consistent Characters in Midjourney

Now, just follow the below steps to easily create consistent characters, AI influencers, and more using the Character Reference feature in Midjourney:

Step 1: Create a Base Image in Midjourney

First, as Midjourney announcement documentation suggests “This feature works best when using characters made from Midjourney images. It’s not designed for real people” our first step is to create a base image.

Let’s create one using this prompt:

/Imageine prompt: Capture a highly realistic portrait of young spanish american women in a garden, aged 27 years old, showcasing graceful and beautiful features, the subject should be captured with [happy emotions], in the style reminiscent of Elliott Erwitt, Emphasize details like clothes, real skin, eye color, eye contact, using a [14mm] lens, ensuring a [happy cheerful] mood with [soft lighting style], with color grading akin to [vibrant], --no watermark, deformed iris, deformed pupils, semi-realistic, cgi, 3d, render, sketch, cartoon, drawing, anime, digital art, text, cropped, out of frame, worst quality, low quality, blur, two hands, plastic, fake, uncanny valley, disfigured, deformed, bad anatomy, --stylize 1000 --ar 3:4 --v 6.0 

This prompt generated the base image given below that we’ll use as a reference to create consistent character variations:

base image created using midjourney for character reference
Base image

Step 2: Using Character Reference Parameter

To use your character consistently in Midjourney, start by copying the URL of your character’s base image. If you don’t know how to use reference image in Midjourney, check this guide.

Then, write a new prompt for the character and add --cref followed by the image URL at the end of your prompt.

If you want to control how much Midjourney should match the features of your base character image, you can optionally use --cw (character weight) and a value between 0-100. A higher value (e.g., --cw 100) will closely match the features, while a lower value (e.g., --cw 0) will allow for more variation, such as changing hair color or clothes.

Here’s an example of how your prompt might look:

[Your Prompt] --cref [Image URL] --cw [0-100]

For example, here’s the prompt we used to generate a completely different scene for our character while keeping their appearance consistent:

/imagine prompt highly realistic portrait of young spanish american women reading a book by a cozy fireplace, in the style reminiscent of Elliott Erwitt, Emphasize details like clothes, real skin, eye color, eye contact, using a [14mm] lens, --cref --cw 100 --v 6.0

Here’s the output generated by Midjourney:

image generated using Character reference feature in Midjourney

And that’s it. Using the above parameters you can easily use this latest Character reference feature in Midjourney to create consistent characters.

Though this feature will help you generate very consistent characters, it’s important to note that it’s still in beta. So, the precision of this feature is limited, as it won’t copy exact dimples, freckles, cheeks, or t-shirt logos.

Next, Play with The Character Weight Parameter

The character weight parameter (--cw) in Midjourney allows you to control the strength of the character reference image’s influence on the generated output.

Despite its name, “weight” doesn’t refer to the character’s physical weight; instead, it determines how closely the generated image should match the reference image.

By default, if you don’t specify a character weight, Midjourney will use the maximum strength of 100.

At –cw 100, the AI tries to capture and reproduce as many details from the reference image as possible, including specific clothing items like the dress of our reference image in the previous examples.

generated image with character weight of 100
Character weight 100 (–cw 100)

On the other hand, when you set the character weight to 0 (--cw 0), Midjourney primarily focuses on the character’s face, giving you more flexibility to change other aspects like clothes and hairstyles.

generated image with character weight of 0
Character weight 0 (–cw 0)

To better understand how the character weight affects the generated images, let’s experiment with different values: 80, 40, 25, and 10.

As we decrease the character’s weight, we’ll observe how the generated images gradually deviate from the reference image regarding clothing and other details while still preserving the character’s facial features.

Changing Character Weight

For this example, we will take the below reference image of an Asian women to see more clearly how Midjourney preserves features.

New Base Image:

How to Create Consistent Characters in Midjourney

Now, let’s change the character weight to 80 (--cw 80) and see what we get:

/imagine prompt a person making pasta in the kitchen on a beautiful sunday morning --cref --cw 80 --v 6.0


character weight 80

Now, in the above image, it is noticeable that the outfit has changed; the hair color is a bit dull, and the freckles are more prominent.

Let’s change the character weight to 40 (--cw 40):

/imagine prompt a person making pasta in the kitchen on a beautiful sunday morning --cref --cw 40 --v 6.0


How to Create Consistent Characters in Midjourney

Using the character weight of 40 in the above image removed the freckles, yet it kept other important features from our reference image.

Let’s change the character weight to 25 (--cw 25):

/imagine prompt a person making pasta in the kitchen on a beautiful sunday morning --cref --cw 25 --v 6.0


character weight 25 character reference midjourney

Now, when using a character weight of 25, we have lost more features, and even the hair colors are changed. This means with low character weight or –cw, you can focus only on face features and keep them consistent rather than the whole character.

Finally, let’s try with the character weight to 10 (--cw 10):

/imagine prompt a person making pasta in the kitchen on a beautiful sunday morning --cref --cw 10 --v 6.0


How to Create Consistent Characters in Midjourney

Well, using a character weight of 10 is interesting. We gained some hair color and other facial features from our reference image. As we said, it’s a hit-and-miss as Character Reference is still under testing.

Using Multiple Character Reference Images in Midjourney

Multiple --cref URLs can be used in a single prompt to strengthen your character’s desired characteristics.

Add a space between each URL, using the –cref tag only once.

Here’s how you can give multiple character reference images:

Template: [Prompt] --cref [URL1] [URL2] --cw 0-100

For example, let’s use two base images and see what happens. For this example, we will use these two base images and generate a much better character:

Let’s add the prompt and see what happens.

/imagine prompt a girl wearing cat iron man costume with iron helmet open --cref --cw 100 --v 6.0


Using Multiple Character Reference Images in Midjourney

This gives us a much better output as our more reference images increase the chance of getting more consistent images.

You can even use this technique with Niji 6 too. Remember, Cref is not compatible with Niji 5 or below.

Niji 6 midjourney character reference

Using Stylize with Character Reference (Advanced)

Using Character Reference (cref) and Style Reference (sref) together is a powerful combination that can significantly alter your character’s appearance.

By applying a style reference, you can change the character’s color palette, clothing style, and overall aesthetic while maintaining their consistent facial features.

For example, using a Victorian-era style reference image can transform your character into a period-appropriate version of themselves, with historically accurate clothing and colors. This technique allows for creative exploration and adds versatility to your character designs.

Let us explain this with an example.

Take the same base image that we used earlier. Now, what if you want to apply a Charles Burton Barber style to that image like below?

Charles Burton Barber style:

Charles Burton Barber style reference image
Style reference

You can do that using this prompt template:

Template:  [Prompt] --cref [URL] --sref [style URL] — cw 100

Using the above prompt, we will be able to generate an image like the one below:

/imagine prompt a girl wearing a dark green blazer white blouse and black skirt, --cref --sref --cw 100 --v 6.0


midjourney character reference image generated using stylize feature

That’s The End!

And there you have it!

Midjourney’s Character Reference feature is an incredibly powerful tool that allows you to create consistent characters across multiple images while exploring variations and styles.

So, what are you waiting for? Go to Midjourney and start experimenting with the Character Reference feature today!

Don’t forget to check out our other blog posts for more tips, and tricks:

How To Create a Profile in Civil 3D

I hope your week is going well and things are productive! It’s been a busy few weeks around here, between working on replacing an old deck at my house I’ve also got a handful of projects on the go at work with fast-approaching deadlines.

This is a great reminder of just how helpful it can be to learn new productivity tips as a designer and slowly implement them into your daily workflow.

If you’ve been following along on the channel or blog you’ll know I love to share helpful tips and trick when it comes to AutoCAD and Civil 3D that are sure to speed up your work.

That’s why, in this week’s video, I wanted to answer a super common question when it comes to Civil 3D.

In fact, when you search “Civil 3D How To…” typically one of the top results is asking about how to create Profile Views in C3D.

This is because Profiles are really the starting point and building block of the majority of Civil Design within C3D.
Before we can start getting complicated with road design, site grading, or even utility layouts, the first step is almost always to cut a profile in the area we’re interested in to see what the existing ground is doing.

As I’m sure you already know (I tend to mention it often haha…) my day job is as a Senior Civil Designer and I’ve used C3D Daily for well over a decade.
Which is why I’m always so excited to share Civil 3D tips and today’s video is no exception.

If you need to create a quick profile in Civil 3d today’s tutorial will get you started in no time!

Whether you use Civil 3d all the time or are just looking to learn something new, check out today’s video here:
Civil 3D How To Create a Profile – Quick Profile Views & Tips For C3D!

Hopefully, you enjoyed the video and are one step closer to designing in civil 3D!

I also want to thank Plex Earth for sponsoring today’s video. I know I’ve mentioned Plex Earth multiple times on the blog and newsletter, but if you’re unfamiliar with it or haven’t checked them out yet. Plex Earth is an AutoCAD and Civil 3d plugin that helps bring additional data and visualization to your project including Imagery, Surface Data, and Integration with Google Earth.

If you’d like to learn more and try out Plex-Earth you can use the link here to start a free trial now:

That’s all for today, I hope you were able to take something away from the tutorial, and if you have any questions be sure to leave a comment or reach out on Twitter @cadintentions.

As always, thank you so much for reading, I am excited to be back and posting regularly on the blog and hope you all will follow along.

Cheers and happy Drafting!

PS. If you are looking to learn more about Civil 3D and get a complete Crash course, check out my Civil 3D Crash Course here:

Also published on Medium.

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Brandon is a Civil Designer, Aspiring Blogger/Creator, Husband, Father to two Amazing Kids and Tech Aficionado from a small town in Canada. He has been obsessed with design and technology since he can remember and working as a Civil Designer for nearly as long. Brandon’s blog and Youtube channel, has been his outlet and excuse for keeping up with new tech and trends in the CAD design world for the last 10 years growing to more than 60,000 subscribers and over 15,000,000 views, while also being the source of many great friendships and unique opportunities.

If you would like to Sponsor CAD Intentions or Work together in some way, Please visit my About Page and send me an email:

Roblox and Walmart are now selling real-world items in-game to anyone over the age of 13: ‘It’s very safe’

Walmart and Roblox have teamed up to provide a service I didn’t know anyone needed: letting anyone over the age of 13 browse and buy goods from Walmart via Roblox, which amounts to an Inception-style headache. 

There was already a way to walk through a virtual retail shop via Roblox’s Walmart Discovered: a game that lets players discover new Roblox games, buy emotes, customize their very own Walmart cart, and show off their favourite items. It was made by Walmart in a crossover event with Roblox. But now it’s not just limited to immaterial purchases, as players located in the US who are 13 years and older can now actually order real-world items to their door (via Digiday). 

12 Best Job Search Sites for Finding a Job in 2024

As you embark on the journey of finding a new job in 2024, the internet is your most valuable ally. With a plethora of job search sites at your disposal, you have access to a vast pool of opportunities from various industries and at different career levels.

Navigating this sea of options can be overwhelming, but the right remote job search engines simplify the process, tailored to your professional needs. Sites like Glassdoor and LinkedIn not only provide extensive listings but also offer resources for employer research and networking. Remote job boards, such as DailyRemote, cater to those seeking remote work, showcasing the adaptability and personalized approach of modern job search platforms.

Best Job Search Sites

In your quest to secure a remote job, leveraging the best job search sites can significantly enhance your search strategy. These platforms offer diverse listings, advanced search capabilities, and valuable resources to help you connect with potential employers, tailor your resume, and prepare for interviews.


DailyRemote is home to thousands of employers looking to hire remote workers, and the best part some of the highest-paying remote jobs are also here. Search and apply for remote jobs and positions that interest you. If you get any responses, follow up with them on the spot. Always be connected to relevant remote jobs. Save money on a membership. Of course, applying for remote jobs isn’t the only thing you can do on DailyRemote.

On DailyRemote, you’ll find a variety of remote job opportunities. Use specific keywords and filters to narrow down the listings to ones that match your skills and career goals.

Unlike most job boards out there, DailyRemote just charges you $7 to browse remote positions, apply to jobs that interest you or even get hired. That’s because transparency, trust, efficiency, and knowledge are the core values we follow.

DailyRemote makes it easy to find remote jobs that fit your schedule and interests. See which employers are hiring right now. Browse remote jobs that have already been posted. Get help with your job search by joining a community of like-minded professionals. And so much more.

When you search for remote jobs on DailyRemote, use the following terms to get all possible remote-work jobs available.

Lastly, create a remote job alert, which notifies you of new job openings based on a specific job title, salary, or location to increase your chances of seeing remote work jobs.


LinkedIn is not just a professional network; it’s also a rich resource for job listings. Keep your profile updated and make connections to boost your visibility to employers. Also, use the job alerts feature to stay informed about the latest openings.


Using Glassdoor, you gain insight into company cultures and salaries in addition to finding job postings. Employers often list remote opportunities here, giving you a clear picture of what’s available.


ZipRecruiter’s mobile app and AI-powered search capabilities streamline the job hunting process. Set up job alerts for remote positions that align with your qualifications.


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Remote jobs across various sectors can be found through SimplyHired. You’ll benefit from their free resources like a resume builder and salary estimator.


Indeed provides a vast selection of job postings, including remote options. Their search engine allows for tailored searches, and you can upload your resume to facilitate easy application.


CareerBuilder is more than a job board; it’s a resource-rich platform offering career advice and advanced search tools to find suitable remote roles.


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Fairygodboss is dedicated to women’s career enhancement, featuring listings with a focus on companies that support gender equality, including remote roles.


For local and remote opportunities that might not be listed on larger boards, check out Craigslist. Their simple job search functionality is a great resource for various job types.


Ladders focuses on high-paying job opportunities, including many remote positions. Use their tools to refine your search and apply to listings that match your experience and salary expectations.


Lastly, Monster has been in the job search engine realm for decades, offering a broad range of remote job listings, along with career resources to support your job hunt.

How to Find A Work-From-Home Job Using the Best Job Search Sites

To successfully land a remote position, you’ll need to navigate through different job boards, make strategic use of job search engines, optimize your job search strategy, and leverage your social and professional networks. Each plays a vital role in uncovering the most promising job opportunities.

Job boards such as DailyRemote, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter offer a plethora of remote listings from employers across various industries. To effectively sift through these:

  • Identify your niche: Focus on platforms specializing in remote work for your specific career field.
  • Set up job alerts: Be the first to know about new listings with automated alerts based on your skills and preferences.

More: See top companies hiring remotely for permanent remote work-from-home jobs.

Effective Use of Job Search Engines

Leverage job search engines like Google for Jobs  to cast a wider net:

  • Use specific keywords and filters: Tailor your search to match your career goals and desired position requirements.
  • AI can match your resume and experiences to relevant job postings, simplifying your job hunt.

Optimizing Your Job Search Strategy

Crafting a standout resume and cover letter should be at the heart of your job search strategy. Additionally:

  • Customize your application: Personalize your cover letter and resume for each application to highlight how your skills align with the job description.
  • Prepare for interviews by researching common questions and practicing your answers.

Leveraging Social Media and Professional Networks

Platforms like LinkedIn serve as both a social network and a professional network, offering valuable resources for remote job hunters:

  • Engage with your network: Share your career aspirations and seek referrals.
  • Follow companies you admire: Stay informed about their latest job postings and company news.

By approaching your remote job search with a detailed and well-executed strategy on these best job search sites, you’ll enhance your chances of securing a remote role that aligns with your career path.

Are You Ready to Find a Remote Job?

The job search landscape today is rich with options, catering to a wide range of industries, experience levels, and job preferences. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking for a career change, a recent graduate entering the workforce, or someone seeking flexible work arrangements, there’s a job search site tailored to your needs.

The best job search sites we’ve explored offer unique tools and resources to streamline your job hunt, from advanced job matching to networking platforms that connect you directly with hiring managers.

By leveraging these platforms, you can maximize your visibility in the job market, tailor your search to fit your personal criteria, and ultimately land the role that’s right for you. Remember to keep your resume updated, customize your applications, and use these sites to stay informed about the latest opportunities. Your next career move could be just a few clicks away. Happy job hunting!

If you’re interested in looking for remote work, there’s no better place to start than DailyRemote. Plus, it’s totally free to sign up. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today. Working remotely is the need of the hour. And now that you know how to find the remote job of your dreams, so follow these tips and start applying today. Join like-minded people in our LinkedIn and Facebook community.

Client SSD vs Enterprise SSD

Client SSD vs Enterprise SSD – What’s the Difference?

For those of you comparing Client SSD vs Enterprise SSD, it’s important to understand the difference before making an important decision.

A cavalier approach to moving, ingesting, analyzing and storing your precious data resource is not an option. Data must be treated like the valuable commodity that it is to grow your business and outpace your competition. This is truer than ever in an age where training AI models can mean the difference between success and being left behind.

Client SSDs (for example Micron 3500 NVMe SSD) can appear to be a more cost-effective choice when compared to enterprise SSDs (for example Micron 7450 NVMe SSD), but they are not designed for mission-critical business workloads. Savings today can result in lost data, slow analytics and lost business tomorrow.

Client SSD vs Enterprise SSD – Which is Best?

Enterprise SSDs clearly outpace client SSDs:

  • Enterprise storage IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) can be 1X to 10X better than client SSDs, and their stated performance is measured differently. While enterprise SSDs state their performance as “steady state” (a concept documented by the Storage Networking Association (SNIA) in their public document “Solid State Storage (SSS) Performance Test Specification” and also describe in the Micron brief “Best Practices for SSD Performance Measurement”) – a state where SSD performance is constant, client SSDs measure their performance in the “fresh out of box” (FOB) state in which SSD performance aligns to typical individual customer’s use of an SSD.
  • Client SSD throughput – a critical benchmark for your business operations – drops with constant write traffic, making them sluggish compared to enterprise storage solutions
  • Enterprise storage endurance is vastly superior to client SSD endurance, mainly due to the workloads used to define TBW (Total Bytes Written) and (Drive Writes Per Day).  While client SSDs use a workload that mimics the typical storage usage of an end user, the enterprise workload is typically a 4K block random write – one of the most strenuous workloads an SSD can encounter.
  • Reliability on enterprise SSDs, typically measured in MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures), can reach 3 million hours, while client SSDs are typically 1.5 million hours.
  • Enterprise SSD capacity can be significantly greater than typical client SSD storage. This higher per SSD capacity can help build denser storage in the data center.

This is only a partial list, but the choice for your business is clear. Your mission-critical data cannot be trusted on anything but purpose-built enterprise SSDs that are engineered for demanding workloads.

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**Footnote – Enterprise latency can be as much as 10x better than client SSDs

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This content was written by the expert Velocity Micro staff.

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Big Data in Oil & Gas: Adoption, Use Cases, Benefits

Use cases

  • Drilling processes optimization.
  • Predictive and preventive maintenance.
  • Equipment maintenance planning.
  • Remote equipment monitoring and control.
  • Inventory management optimization.

How it works: Sensors installed on the drilling equipment send temperature, pressure, vibration, flow, position, torque, and other readings. Gathered and analyzed by the big data solution, this data powers real-time insights into drilling processes (e.g., drilling direction, drilling fluid composition and pressure, drilling bit position) and intelligent software-to-equipment commands (e.g., adjusting drilling bit position to target specific formations or avoid obstruction).

Big data software also gathers equipment operational data (e.g., the rotation speed of the drilling bit, drilling fluid temperature) and equipment metadata (e.g., model, operational settings). This data is used to build accurate AI/ML models that help generate alerts on abnormal events and identify failure-causing equipment usage patterns. This allows O&G companies to minimize NPT (non-productive time), optimize inventory management processes and equipment maintenance schedules, extend equipment lifespan, and more.

Drilling and equipment data can also be coupled with real-time and historical geological data (e.g., rock formation evaluation, mud properties) to build and adjust drilling models, predict anomalies, and prevent unwanted events like kicks and blowouts.