Basic Design-Code question with Visual Studio/C#

[Visual Studio version 17.8.3 — Community 2022]

I have used Visual Studio quite a bit to write VB programs. I am now attempting to use it to write C# programs. (I have a background in Java as well, so the coding isn’t an issue.) I am having trouble with the designer-code interplay.

I am getting a designer error when I don’t think I should. Is there a “proper” way to entirely delete an event-handler function if it is unwanted?

(1) In Designer, I add a label and a button to a form.
(2) I accidentally double-click on the label instead of the button when adding an event-handler
(3) I go to the code and delete the auto-added Click function code for the label. (Which shouldn’t have any code tied to it.)
(4) I go back to the designer and it has produced a “Design-Time” error. (The name ‘label1_Click’ does not exist in the current context )

I can use undo to put the function back and the error goes away. (Then I’m stuck with an empty function.) I can delete the label, then delete the code and all is okay. (But, if I have spent some time setting properties for the label, deleting it because I accidentally mis-clicked is painful.)

visual studio – TCP/IP in Unity

I am trying to operate switch from a python script outside Unity. It is basically a sphere thrown at a wall; when I use keyboard, the game is working fine; as soon as I use TCP/IP I see Debug print statements in the console, but not the ball appearing in the game. What can be causing this?

using UnityEngine;

public class SphereThrower : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject leftSpherePrefab;
    public GameObject rightSpherePrefab;
    public Transform leftWall;
    public Transform rightWall;

    private GameObject currentBall;

    private Vector3 leftSphereInitialPosition;
    private Vector3 rightSphereInitialPosition;

    void Start()
        if (leftSpherePrefab != null && rightSpherePrefab != null)
            leftSphereInitialPosition = leftSpherePrefab.transform.position;
            rightSphereInitialPosition = rightSpherePrefab.transform.position;

            Debug.LogError("Left or right sphere prefab is not assigned!");

    public void HandleTrigger(string trigger)
        switch (trigger)
            case "0":
                Debug.Log("Trigger 0: Throwing left sphere.");
                ThrowSphere(leftSpherePrefab, leftSphereInitialPosition);
            case "1":
                Debug.Log("Trigger 1: Throwing right sphere.");
                ThrowSphere(rightSpherePrefab, rightSphereInitialPosition);
            case "L":
                Debug.Log("Trigger L: Moving ball to left wall.");
                MoveBallToWall(currentBall, leftWall.position);
            case "R":
                Debug.Log("Trigger R: Moving ball to right wall.");
                MoveBallToWall(currentBall, rightWall.position);
                Debug.Log("Invalid trigger received: " + trigger);

    void ThrowSphere(GameObject spherePrefab, Vector3 initialPosition)
        if (currentBall != null)

        currentBall = Instantiate(spherePrefab, initialPosition, Quaternion.identity);

    void MoveBallToWall(GameObject ball, Vector3 wallPosition)
        Vector3 direction = wallPosition - ball.transform.position;

        Rigidbody rb = ball.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        if (rb != null)
            rb.velocity = Vector3.up * 5f;
            rb.useGravity = true;

        if (rb != null)
            rb.velocity += direction * 5f;
            Destroy(ball, 6f);

            Debug.Log("Distance to left wall: " + Vector3.Distance(ball.transform.position, leftWall.position));
            Debug.Log("Distance to right wall: " + Vector3.Distance(ball.transform.position, rightWall.position));
**TCP/IP Code:**
using UnityEngine;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class communication : MonoBehaviour
   public SphereThrower sphereThrower; // Reference to the SphereThrower component

   private TcpListener server;
   private int port = 5680; // Choose a port for your TCP server

   void Start()
       // Start TCP server
       server = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback, port);
       // Begin accepting clients asynchronously
       Task.Run(() => AcceptClients());

   async Task AcceptClients()
       while (true)
           TcpClient client = await server.AcceptTcpClientAsync();

           // Handle client messages
           Task.Run(() => HandleClient(client));

   void HandleClient(TcpClient client)
       NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
       byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

       while (true)
           int bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
           string message = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead).TrimEnd('\0');

           // Debug log to check if the message is received correctly
           Debug.Log("Received message: " + message);

           // Call HandleTrigger method of SphereThrower

           // Check if the loop is terminating properly
           //if (bytesRead == 0)
             //  Debug.Log("No more bytes to read, terminating loop.");
             //  Debug.Log("Bytes read: " + bytesRead);

I am expecting sphere to appear accordingly when I press 0/1 in different software

Improve your code quality with GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio

In our previous post, we discussed GitHub Copilot’s Slash Commands, which allow you to trigger specific actions within Visual Studio with simple text-based inputs. Now, let’s explore the /optimize command and its potential to improve code quality in Visual Studio.

Refactoring with /optimize

In a recent exploration by Bruno Capuano, we see the transformative capabilities of GitHub Copilot’s /optimize command. Bruno demonstrates its prowess by refactoring a code snippet, showcasing how simple text-based inputs can yield significant improvements in code structure and performance.

One of the prime examples showcased by Bruno involves the conversion of a traditional for loop utilizing numerical indices into a more readable and intuitive foreach loop. While foreach loops in .NET might seem more verbose, they often offer better readability, a crucial aspect in maintaining code quality and ease of understanding.

Here’s a glimpse of the original for loop snippet:

for (int i = 0; i < chatHistory.Count; i++)
    var message = chatHistory[i];
    var msg = new ChatMessage();
    msg.role = message.Role.ToString().ToLower();
    msg.content = message.Content;

To provide context to Copilot, Bruno selects the entire loop. He then initiates the inline chat dialog by typing “Alt-/”.

GitHub Copilot Chat dialog showing selected code with instructions to enhance code quality using the /optimize command in Visual Studio's chat interface

To guide Copilot in refactoring the code, Bruno types a Slash ‘/’, which opens the previously discussed dialog. He chooses the Optimize command from the menu and sends the command to Copilot.

Copilot responds with several optimization suggestions:

  • The ChatMessage instance can be initialized during construction, enhancing efficiency.
  • A foreach loop is utilized.

The refactored code appears as follows:

foreach (var message in chatHistory)
    var msg = new ChatMessage
        role = message.Role.ToString().ToLower(),
        content = message.Content

Learn from Copilot: Give it a Try!

The most effective way to comprehend a tool’s functionality is to use it firsthand. I find it fascinating to apply the /optimize command to my production projects. At times, the modifications are minor, affirming the quality of my original code. However, there are instances when Copilot suggests ingenious alterations, often introducing me to new syntaxes.

Validating the output of GitHub Copilot is also crucial to ensure it hasn’t introduced any errors or regressions. Unit tests can serve as a safety net for these changes, just as they do during the refactoring of any piece of code.

Additional Resources

We offer a wealth of resources to further your understanding of GitHub Copilot for Visual Studio. We encourage you to explore this collection, you can watch the full video here and regularly visit this blog for more content.

visual studio – Failed to run sdkmanager on UBuntu

I upgraded the Java version to 17.0 and installed Android Studio Jellyfish 2023.3.1, downloading SDK tools latest. Consequently, I noticed that the sdkmanager command line no longer

Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/sdklib/tool/sdkmanager/SdkManagerCli has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 61.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain( 

Get Ready for Visual Studio at Build 2024: Join Thousands Online!

Watch it Live! or On-Demand – Starting Next Tuesday!

Next week, from May 21st, I’ll be diving into Microsoft Build 2024, and I invite you to come along for the ride—virtually! We’ll explore cutting-edge developments in Visual Studio, Azure, and AI development from wherever we are, no travel required. It’s your chance to join live discussions and connect with tech enthusiasts from around the world, all from your home or office.

This year, I’m particularly excited about charting new paths with AI and copilots. Whether you’re looking to boost your efficiency, secure your projects, or simply expand your tech horizons, the keynotes and breakout sessions are set to deliver. And if you have questions, the experts—yes, the real wizards behind Microsoft’s innovations—will be there to answer them in the session chat rooms.

To give you a head start, I’ve shared a few of the sessions I plan to attend below. Hopefully, they’ll inspire your own choices as you start building your ‘Session Planner’ today.

Banner for Microsoft Build 2024

Must See Sessions at Build 2024:

  • Microsoft Build Opening Keynote: Join Satya Nadella, Rajesh Jha, and Kevin Scott on Tuesday, May 21, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM PDT. Learn how this era of AI will unlock new opportunities, transform how developers work, and drive business productivity across industries.
  • Next Generation AI for Developers with the Microsoft Cloud: Join Scott Guthrie and leaders across Microsoft on Wednesday, May 22, from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM PDT. Learn how to build secure and responsible AI solutions with the foundation of the Microsoft Cloud. Featuring a fireside chat with John Lambert and Julia Liuson to learn what you can do to create secure solutions in today’s threat landscape.
  • Maximize Joy, Minimize Toil with Great Developer Experiences: Join Amanda Silver and friends on Tuesday, May 21, from 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM PDT. At Microsoft, enhancing the developer experience is central to our mission. In this session, delve into the latest advancements in developer tools and learn about our collaborative efforts across the technology spectrum. Discover how these innovations are shaping the development of modern, intelligent apps.

Visual Studio at Build 2024:

Browse all the Build sessions online, but here’s a sampling of some of the Visual Studio sessions that will offer an in-depth look into what we’re currently developing and enhancing, with a strong technical focus:

  • What’s New in GitHub Copilot and Visual Studio: Explore enhancements in AI-assisted coding with Damian Brady and Filisha Shah on Wednesday, May 22, from 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM PDT. GitHub Copilot is your AI coding assistant, and when paired with Visual Studio, so much more! We’ll take you through tips and tricks, special integrations, and other recent enhancements to make sure you’re getting the most out of GitHub Copilot, including things that you can only do with Visual Studio.
  • Build Apps from the Cloud with Microsoft Dev Box, Visual Studio & More: Dive into cloud-native development with Anthony Cangialosi and Denizhan Yigitbas on Tuesday, May 21, from 2:15 PM to 3:00 PM PDT. Learn how to unify ready-to-code development environments with best-in-class dev tools to deliver an unparalleled coding experience for building intelligent applications and more. Give developers the flexibility to use the tools they want within IT guardrails and enable self-service by integrating Microsoft Dev Box with top-tier developer tools like Visual Studio and GitHub Copilot. Plus, streamline test environment provisioning with Azure Deployment Environments.
  • Demystify Cloud-Native Development with .NET Aspire: Damian Edwards and David Fowler will introduce you to .NET Aspire on Wednesday, May 22, from 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM PDT, focusing on tools and components for building intelligent cloud services. Explore the groundbreaking .NET Aspire technology stack designed for cloud-native development. We’ll explore the Orchestration, Components, Tooling and more. We’ll even show you how to integrate the Azure Open AI component to add intelligent functionality to your distributed services.
  • .NET Aspire Development on Any OS with the Visual Studio Family: Discover the flexibility of .NET Aspire with Wendy Breiding and Brady Gaster on Wednesday, May 22, from 2:15 PM to 3:00 PM PDT, including seamless Azure integration. Explore the core features of .NET Aspire and how it enhances the developer experience for building cloud-native applications. This session will demonstrate building .NET Aspire apps with Visual Studio and VS Code, so you can choose the best tool for your workflow. We’ll then cover Azure Developer CLI (AZD) integration and the “azd up” experience, showcasing how .NET Aspire and AZD work together to seamlessly move your locally-running app to the cloud!
  • What’s New in C# 13: Mads Torgersen and Dustin Campbell will reveal the latest features in C# 13 on Thursday, May 23, from 8:30 AM to 9:15 AM PDT. Join Mads and Dustin as they show off a long list of features and improvements coming in C# 13. This year brings long-awaited new features like extensions and field access in auto-properties, as well as a revamped approach to breaking changes to ensure cleaner language evolution in years to come. Additionally, we take collection expressions to the next level by facilitating dictionary creation and opening params to new collection types.
  • Infusing Your .NET Apps with AI: Practical Tools and Techniques: Join Vin Kamat, Luis Quintanilla, and Stephen Toub on Thursday, May 23, from 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM PDT. Learn how to incorporate AI into your .NET applications using tools, libraries, and best practices. This session will demonstrate practical examples of leveraging Azure AI services and the .NET AI ecosystem to create “intelligent apps.” Ideal for developers looking to enhance their apps with advanced AI capabilities.
  • Diagnostic Techniques for .NET Running on Linux and Within Containers: Join Mark Downie and Sam Spencer for a pre-recorded session available on Monday, May 21, from 8:30 AM PDT. Learn the essential tips and tricks for diagnosing .NET applications running on Linux and within container environments such as Kubernetes. From local diagnostics in WSL to debug sidecars, this session will unveil how .NET has tools designed to help you tackle the trickiest diagnostic challenges. Discover diagnostic techniques that enhance your ability to maintain robust, efficient applications across diverse environments.

Profile picture of Scott Hanselman

For Hanselman Fans

  • Scott and Mark Learn AI: Join Scott Hanselman and Mark Russinovich on Wednesday, May 22, from 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM PDT. Learn how to use AI tools to make smarter apps on Windows. You will learn how to use AI in your app, consume models both local and in the cloud, and how to use LLMs to make your apps even more awesome for users. They may even clean up Scott’s messy desktop that has been bothering Mark for some time now.
  • “Highly Technical Talk” with Hanselman and Toub: Don’t miss Scott Hanselman and Stephen Toub for a 100% LIVE demo session on Thursday, May 23, from 12:30 PM to 1:15 PM PDT. With zero slides and just code, they’ll dive deep into the internals of .NET, tackling performance issues and optimizations live on stage. This session is perfect for advanced developers looking to level up their debugging and performance skills using Microsoft’s own tools.
  • Level Up Your Dev Box, How Devs at Microsoft are Productive on Windows: Join Scott Hanselman, Vicky Harp, and Maddy Montaquila on Wednesday, May 22, from 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM PDT. Discover how Microsoft developers enhance their productivity through custom setups and tools. This session will showcase a variety of tips, including using aliases, the best VS Code extensions, customizing the Windows Terminal, and efficient ways to set up new computers. Learn valuable shortcuts, apps, and systems to optimize your development workflow.

In-Person Only Demos – These demos are available only in Seattle and will not be recorded.

For those of you joining us in Seattle, you’ll want to catch these live demos in the Demo Theaters on Level 5.

  • Tips & Tricks for Visual Studio and GitHub: Join Harshada Hole and Jessie Houghton for an exclusive demo session on Tuesday, May 21, from 4:45 PM to 5:00 PM PDT. Discover how to unlock the full potential of Visual Studio with expert tips and tricks. Learn to enhance your workflow by integrating powerful community extensions for peak efficiency.
  • What’s New for Copilot in Visual Studio 17.10: Catch Rhea Patel on Thursday, May 23, from 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM PDT for a demo on enhancing your Copilot chat experience in Visual Studio. This session will showcase cutting-edge generative AI applications, including a new interaction model and context improvements in Copilot Chat. Note:
  • VisualStudio.Com – Unlocking Your Benefits & Diamond: Attend this demo with Jason Chlus and Jacqueline Widdis on Wednesday, May 22, from 5:45 PM to 6:00 PM PDT. Learn about all the benefits included in your Visual Studio Subscription through a demo-filled tour. Discover how to easily access Azure credits, software downloads, training resources, and support to maximize your development potential.
  • Customize Dev Box for You and Your Team: Join Dhruv Muttaraju and David Obando on Wednesday, May 22, from 3:30 PM to 3:45 PM PDT. Learn how to configure and deploy customized Dev Boxes, tailored to the specific needs of individual teams, at scale using config-as-code templates and leveraging package management.
  • Microsoft Dev Box for Accessibility: On Wednesday, May 22, from 5:00 PM to 5:15 PM PDT, explore how to build Dev Boxes that cater to accessibility needs. This session will introduce the new config-as-code customization starters that showcase all the accessibility options available, ensuring your Dev Box is as comfortable and familiar as your local environment.

Ready to join thousands of developers at Build 2024? Don’t miss out on these exciting sessions and more! Click the link below to register today and secure your spot to experience Build 2024 virtually, alongside a global community of developers. Embrace the opportunity to learn, connect, and grow at this incredible event!

Register for Build 2024 and Join Us Online for Free!

Follow Us at Microsoft Build on TikTok!

The Visual Studio TikTok team will be going Live! from Build. Check out @VisualStudio on TikTok

c# – Formatting Pages when Printing

can someone help me.
I try to print a report but i have some promblem when formatting header and pages.

This is an example:

enter image description here

The ID to display are 39.

I’d like to have a multiple pages print and header on each page.

this is my code now:

private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
    string IMAGE = "";
    sqlite.Open();  //Initiate connection to the db
    using var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(stm, sqlite);
    using SQLiteDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    while (rdr.Read())
        IMAGE = (string)rdr["VALORE"];

    Image bgFront = Image.FromFile(@"Immagini\" + IMAGE);
    e.Graphics.DrawImage(bgFront, 50, 0, 100, 100);
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Report Movimenti in Uscita non Pagati", new Font("Courier New", 18, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Black, new PointF(210, 40));
    e.Graphics.DrawString(richTextBox1.Text, new Font("Courier New", 14, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Black, new PointF(50, 150));

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (printPreviewDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        printDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;

private void printPreviewDialog1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    printDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;

Can you help me format this report correctly?

I’d like to have a multiple pages print and header on each page.

Mastering Slash Commands with GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio

GitHub Copilot, the AI-powered coding assistant, offers a range of features designed to streamline your coding experience in Visual Studio. In this new series, we take a closer look at the power of Slash Commands and discuss how they can make your coding workflow smoother and more efficient.

Introducing Slash Commands

Slash Commands are a set of predefined actions accessible through the GitHub Copilot prompt. According to Bruno Capuano, who explains them in his latest video, you can open the Slash Commands menu by clicking the Slash button in the Copilot Chat window.

Slash Commands menu by clicking the Slash button in the Copilot Chat window

Alternatively, you can also access the Slash Commands by typing a forward slash in the message box.

Slash Commands by typing a forward slash in the message box

Below are some of the key Slash Commands and their functions:

  • askvs: Ask Visual Studio questions about your code, functions, or other features.
  • doc: Insert a documentation comment in the current cursor position.
  • exp: Start a new conversation thread with a fresh context.
  • explain: Provide an explanation for the selected code.
  • fix: Suggest fixes for code errors and typos.
  • generate: Generate new code snippets based on your input.
  • optimize: Recommend code optimizations to improve performance.
  • tests: Create a unit test for the current code selection.
  • help: Access help and support for GitHub Copilot.

As you can see, these Slash Commands can significantly improve your productivity in Visual Studio. Learn how to Install GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio.

A Practical Example with /fix

To illustrate, let’s consider the /fix command. In the video, Bruno demonstrates how GitHub Copilot can automatically suggest corrections for typos and other issues. This command can be used in the main chat window, and it’s also accessible in the inline chat by pressing Alt-Slash (Alt-/) or through the right-click context menu.

Additional Resources

To learn more about GitHub Copilot and Slash Commands, check out our resource collection here. You can watch the full video here. For ongoing updates, stay tuned to this blog and consider subscribing to our YouTube channel for more insights and tutorials.

MS Visual Studio 2022 not able to open source files with path length more than 120 characters

While building a project on the MS visual studio 2022. I’m getting the following error:

Error   C1083   Cannot open source file: '..\..\..\..\Source\Application-Protocols\network_transport\tcp_sockets_wrapper\ports\freertos_plus_tcp\tcp_sockets_wrapper.c': No such file or director

If I rename file/folder names to make the length of the path less than or equal to 120 (current length is 124), the error goes away and the project is built successfully.

I think this might be due to a setting that disallows paths greater than particular length, but I’m not sure where to update that.

VS project

visual studio – Blazor App not recognizing new folders/components in shared library – IDE compatibility issue?

I am working on a project that consists of multiple independently running Blazor applications. Each of these applications has the same submodule, let’s call it CustomLib, which provides common components. It has its own git repository.
I added a folder with some custom components to this lib, so that each of the applications can use them.
But here is the problem:
One of the applications, let’s call it App X, doesn’t recognize this new folder (or other new folders I create) inside the lib and Visual Studio shows several errors. However, you can compile the program and it runs without any problems. The errors only affect the parts where you are using a CustomLib-component.
The error message says

Found markup element with unexpected name {CustomComponentName}.
If this is intended to be a component, add a @using directive for its namespace.

I added a using directive, but it returns the following error:

The type or namespace does’n exist in the namespace >’CustomLib.Components’ (are you missing an assembly reference?).

However, it does find another folder within CustomLib.Components which was part of CustomLib before App X was created.

@using CustomLib.Components.FolderA; @*<- no problem *@
@using CustomLib.Components.MyNewFolder; @* MyNewFolder is underlined in red, namespace unknown error*@

@* the following is completely red/green underlined, unexpected name error*@

I have no idea how to fix this. I deleted the bin, .vs and obj folders, cleaned up the application and rebuilt it, but to no avail.
The other applications in this project have no problems using CustomLib. The only difference is that App X was created by my colleague using Rider while the rest of us uses Visual Studio. Is it possible that the use of different IDEs caused this error? If so, where can I fix it? Do any of you have experience with this kind of situation? Or is it something else?
I looked at similar questions (e.g. Blazor Shared Component Library can’t resolve Blazor component), but none of it could fix my problem.
My last resort is to create the application in Visual Studio again and copy paste everything from App X, but I wanted to ask you first. I am not yet completely comfortable with Blazor and Visual Studio and thus fail to find the reason for this error.

The code for calculating the sine value in C# language in the Visual Studio program

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        double angleInDegrees = 45; // Example angle in degrees
        double angleInRadians = DegreesToRadians(angleInDegrees); // Convert degrees to radians
        double sineValue = Sine(angleInRadians); // Calculate sine value
        Console.WriteLine($"Sine of {angleInDegrees} degrees is {sineValue}");

    // Function to convert degrees to radians
    static double DegreesToRadians(double degrees)
        return degrees * Math.PI / 180.0;

    // Function to calculate sine
    static double Sine(double angleInRadians)
        return Math.Sin(angleInRadians);