Visual Studio 2022 v17.12 with .NET 9

We are thrilled to announce the General Availability (GA) of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.12. This update focuses on providing fantastic developer experiences for working with .NET 9 projects and new AI productivity features, along with continuous improvements for all developers.

Abstract Visual Studio image

Thanks to your continuous feature requests, we’ve incorporated many of them in this release. There’s something new for every developer. We have added several new tools and enhancements that simplify your workflow and improve productivity. Whether you’re looking for advanced debugging capabilities, more efficient code management, or enhanced security features, this update has it all.

For detailed information on each new feature, check out the release notes. If you’re pressed for time, here are the key highlights.


  • Copy from the Error List: Copying an error from the Error List now copies just the description instead of the entire row to the clipboard.
  • Go to line anywhere in Code Search: In Code Search, you can now navigate to a specific line in the current document or other specified document.
  • Dock the Code Search window: You can now freely position the Code Search window with capabilities like docking and auto-hiding.
  • Customize collapsed text indicator: Set custom colors for the collapsed text indicator in the Visual Studio editor.
  • Refresh your Find results: You can now refresh the results to a previous Find to get up-to-date search matches.
  • More space for horizontal scrollbar: You can now control the visibility of the file level indicators in CodeLens.
  • Non-blocking Code Cleanup on save: When Code Cleanup is run on Save, it now operates in a non-blocking manner, for a smoother coding experience.

GitHub Copilot

  • AI smart variable inspection: Optimize your debugging workflow with Integrated AI variable inspection.
  • AI-powered IEnumerable visualizer: AI-powered LINQ Editable Expressions in the IEnumerable visualizer.
  • Fix code with GitHub Copilot: GitHub Copilot assists you in resolving code issues.
  • Better AI completions for C#: GitHub Copilot brings in additional context from relevant source files to improve completions for C#.
  • Debug tests with GitHub Copilot: Get help with debugging failed tests by using Debug Tests with GitHub Copilot.

Debugging & diagnostics

  • Shows method return values when debugging: The debugger now displays inline return values for enhanced debugging efficiency.
  • Export breakpoint groups with ease: Effortless import and export of breakpoint groups.
  • Blazor WebAssembly debugging: An improved debugging experience for Blazor WebAssembly apps targeting .NET 9 or later.
  • Meter Histogram in Profiler Counter Tool: Enhanced performance insights using Meter Histogram in Profiler Counter Tool.
  • Analyze memory use over time: Select and compare multiple memory snapshots using the Diagnostics Tool window.

Git tooling

  • Manage file renaming with Git: Get peace of mind when renaming files with a new notification.
  • Pull requests using drafts and templates: Create pull request drafts and start your descriptions with templates in Visual Studio.
  • Create internal GitHub repos: Visual Studio now supports creating internal repos and includes guidance for each type of repository to give you more confidence when starting a new project.
  • Copy Git link: You can get a GitHub or Azure DevOps link to a specific line of code to make it easy to share with your colleagues.
  • Customize your AI Git commit message: You can add additional instructions to the prompt for generating your Git commit message with GitHub Copilot.
  • Multi-repo for GitHub and Azure DevOps: You can now create pull requests and link work items in multi-repo scenarios.


  • Preserve font across theme changes: Changing themes will now remember your font and font size preferences.
  • Multi-Project Launch Configuration: Streamline debugging by setting up and saving launch profiles for specific projects within multi-project solutions. Share configurations effortlessly with your team.
  • Copy files between instances: You can now copy files and folders from Solution Explorer in one instance of Visual Studio to another.
  • Multiple GitHub accounts: You can now add multiple GitHub accounts and set an active account to drive GitHub features like GitHub Copilot and Version Control.
  • Certificate Revocation Checks: Visual Studio now alerts you if it detects digital certificate problems during network calls.
  • MotW security warnings: Mark of the web (MotW) security warnings are now integrated into the overall trust functionality.
  • Teams Toolkit new AI templates: The Teams Toolkit onboards new AI Teams app templates.


  • Azure App Service publish security updates: Publishing to Azure App Service securely using integrated security updates.
  • Azure WebJobs Linux support: Publishing to Azure WebJobs on Linux is now supported by right-click publish in Visual Studio.
  • Azure Functions Flex Consumption: Publish to Azure Flex Consumption hosting plan, currently in Preview.
  • Connected Services security update: Making your apps and development experienced more secure.


  • Enhanced WinUI components search: Enhance WinUI project setup with improved Visual Studio Installer search, simplifying component location for developers.


  • Request variables in HTTP files: HTTP files now support request variables. That is where you can send a request and then use data from the response, or request, in future requests.
  • HTTP files shared environment: In HTTP environment files we have added support to share variables across environments.
  • Vitest support in JavaScript and TypeScript: When using JavaScript and TypeScript projects you can now author test cases with Vitest.
  • Inlay Hints support for more languages: Inlay Hint support has been added to JavaScript, TypeScript, Python and Razor as well as a setting to control its behavior.


  • SDK-style SQL projects in SSDT: You can now use the SDK-style project file format in your SQL Server Data Tools projects.


  • Achieve more with .NET 9: .NET 9 elevates cloud-native and intelligent app development, focusing on productivity enhancements, streamlined deployments, and accelerated AI integration.
  • NuGet audits transitive packages: NuGet is changing default audit settings to include transitive packages.


  • Set C++ Command Line Arguments: A new way to set your command line arguments right from the toolbar.
  • Build Insights view explanations: Learn how to use each tab of Build Insights via a newly added link to documentation.
  • Build Insights path adjustments: Get a clearer view of your file in Build Insights, see full path on hover.
  • Open Folder for Unreal Engine uproject: A new way of opening your uproject.
  • Change signature improved: You can now effectively change signatures with our improved feature for C++.


As you use Visual Studio, let us know what you love, what you like, and where you’d like us to improve. You can share feedback with us via Developer Community: report any bugs or issues via report a problem and share your suggestions for new features or improvements to existing ones.

Stay connected with the Visual Studio team by following us on YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Twitch and on Microsoft Learn.

As always, we appreciate the time you’ve spent reporting issues and hope you continue to give us feedback on how we’re doing and what we can improve.

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