Christmas Lights Drive-Through Show – Sarah Titus

Maybe you’re sick and can’t get out, maybe you can’t find a street decorated for Christmas in your town (seems like people are decorating less and less with the financial blows of the culture going on right now), maybe you’re stuck in your home or don’t have a car. 

Whatever the reason is, you can’t get out to see the Christmas lights and it makes you sad. You wish you could participate. 

While this post won’t give you the full-blown experience of driving through the streets with your family looking at Christmas lights, I hope it will encourage you and help bring some cheer to your evening as you celebrate the holiday season and look at all the pretty lights. 

It might also give you some ideas of how to decorate YOUR home as well. 😊

So, let’s take a virtual Christmas lights drive-through together! ❤️

Christmas Lights Drive-Through Show

*All photos were obtained legally from the street, with me sitting in my car.

So many things to love about this house. The wreath, the white lights on the trees, ahhh! 😍 

This house goes all out for every holiday! It’s really cool to see all their decorations, even for things like Thanksgiving! 🦃 

Here’s the other side of that house.

I love the white roof trimmed lights and a wreath. So classic and beautiful! 🥰 The JOY lighted up is a nice touch.

This house is the coolest of them all, so I took shots from different angles. ❤️



Love the white! 🎉

More white lights. I mean, I have to, right, white is my favorite color (it represents purity!) 😇 Followed by pink, which is why you see so much pink ’round here! 😆 But only hot pink, not baby pink. 😛

This is my favorite white lights house. So pretty! 🎁 It has a bay garage too (taller/bigger garage used for like RV’s and stuff). I’m a sucker for a bay. It’s on my checklist one day when I buy a house, especially if I want to run a gifting group again. 😊 Love me a cool garage!!!

Nativity scene! YAY! 🙌

The lights across the lake! So pretty, right?! 🥰

Love all the trees! 🌲

This home has a moving lights show! 🎉

A closeup of the lights show.

This is…my third favorite house back in Idaho. My house was #2. 😆 Love the modern construction and black-and-white combination.

Close-up of the front porch to give you ideas. 😊

The JOY decoration is so cool! 😮

For your kids, I had to take this one. 🥰

Very simple, classic, beautiful. White lights trim the roof and white lights on the trees. ❤️

Here’s more pictures you’ll love (from people not in a moving car using their phones to snap the photo!) 😆

What do you think? Did that brighten your mood this Christmas season? ❤️

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