Making it Through Tough Holidays

For many of you, holidays can be a beautiful celebration and that’s great. But what happens when it’s not? For others, holidays are a day that reminds us life is not perfect.

Mother’s Day, for example, has never been easy for me, because I had an extremely abusive mother.

But this year, it’s become even harder because my daughter went to live with her dad (my ex-husband).

She doesn’t yet see all the sacrifices I have made to be home with my kids, to put my kids first, to die to myself to be there for my kids and to teach you all to do the same, she, and she alone CHOOSES to reject me and Christ and walk away from us. 

I know she’s making a HUGE mistake. I KNOW she will regret it. But, from here on out, I will be minus a daughter, a daughter who will live 14 hours away from me….

I cannot tell you that Mother’s Day is an easy day for me, knowing half of my guts are being ripped out, that my daughter is in essence, becoming a prodigal, and I pray that one day she return and give her life to God.

But what I CAN say, is that no matter WHAT life throws at you, no matter WHAT you face in your life today or tomorrow, there is a God who cares about you, and allows things for our own good.

No matter how bad what you’re going through is killing you inside, you HAVE TO focus on the good. You HAVE TO focus on the blessings that you DO have!

I have a home, a few really GREAT friends and I have all of you.

If you’re dealing with something hard this holiday, know that you’re not alone, but also know that there’s HOPE!

Whatever it is that you’re dealing with, it WILL make you stronger! I promise, IF you let it.

In my life, I’ve been through a lot. Satan throws at me everything he can, but look at me, I’m still standing, and it’s because of God’s grace.

This holiday, if you are with your kids, hold them extra tight…consider yourself BLESSED.

Because kids grow up way too fast, make stupid decisions that ruin their lives, and as a parent, all we can ever hope to do is trust we did our best by them, let them go and trust God that He has them in the palm of His sovereign hand.

Let them make their own decisions (you can’t control them), and be thankful for the time that you DID have with them!

I don’t know what my future holds with my daughter and I, but I do know that God is good, through everything, God is good. NEVER forget that!

No matter what…God is good. ALL the time. In the good and in the bad. In the hard times and fun times. He’s ALWAYS good. No matter what tragedy you are facing, nothing can get you down if you are saved.

My favorite verse to hold onto in tough times is Job 42:2, “I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.”

God’s love, His goodness, and His presence are always there for us, holding us, even in the tough holidays.

You can get through any day, any holiday, with the love of Jesus Christ! <3

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