3 reasons I’d instantly buy an ultra-slim phone like the rumored Galaxy S25 Slim

The smartphone design pendulum is once again swinging in the direction of ultra-thin devices. The latest rumors indicate that Apple and Samsung are both exploring a premium flagship that prioritizes thinness, and they could debut as part of the iPhone 17 and Galaxy S25 series. However, for the past decade, phone manufacturers pressed pause on their quest for thinness, instead focusing on things like battery life, camera quality, and performance.

That’s why many iOS and Android fans are probably scoffing at the idea of sacrificing key features in the name of thinness. I don’t blame anyone for holding that viewpoint — the last time OEMs tried to make the thinnest phone possible, it didn’t end well. Anyone remember the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which were so thin they would literally bend during normal use, resulting in the infamous “bendgate” saga?

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