Boost your Git confidence with the new file rename notification

Have you ever renamed a file in Solution Explorer and wondered if Git is tracking your changes correctly? You’re not alone. Many developers have found this process confusing and worry whether their changes are being properly staged in Git. But worry no more – there’s a solution!

Messaging showing that files have been renamed and that Git is picking up on these chnages

When you rename files in Solution Explorer, Visual Studio 2022 will now remind you to stage your changes to see the renamed files in Git. This small but mighty notification ensures that Git is recognizing your file change.

Why This Matters

There is often confusion on how Git works when you rename files, especially since there’s a specific git mv command that is used when you want to move or rename a file or directory. But don’t be deceived, Git never stores any information to track renames. Even when you run a git mv operation, it’s just a short cut for doing a git rm, and then git add on the file. That’s because Git only looks at code change additions (git add) and removals (git rm) over time. In some views Git runs rename detection as it’s navigating history and may display a set of an addition and removal as a rename, but under the hood it uses a heuristic based on the similarity of the two files to call it a rename instead – and sometimes it gets it wrong!

This shows up in Visual Studio when you rename a file from Solution Explorer and look at your changed files list. In all cases, it is shown as an addition and a removal. Understandably, this can be disconcerting if you’re expecting Git to detect and track the rename and fear you might be losing history information. However, since Git is not tracking renames at all, you won’t be at risk! Your file changes are still in the Git history and can be retrieved. To gain some additional piece of mind, once you stage your files, Git runs the rename detection, and you can see how it resolves the addition and removal into a rename under the staged section. That’s where this new notification comes in.

Tip: If you want to ensure that Git can always identify your file renames when navigating history, you can keep your file naming changes in a separate commit to file content changes. That way, there’s a perfect match between the file that Git sees as removed and the one that Git sees as added, so it’ll correctly detect the rename. This isn’t required and can be inconvenient if it doesn’t match up to your flow but can be helpful when looking through your history later.

User Feedback Driven Updates

This feature was developed in response to feedback from the Developer Community. We listened to your concerns and collaborated with you to create a solution that makes your workflow more efficient and stress-free. Your input is invaluable, and we are committed to continuously improving Visual Studio based on your feedback.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our users. Your continuous feedback helps us make Visual Studio better with each release. Keep sharing your thoughts and experiences with us!

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