Devotional: You’re Gonna Be Okay

I work very hard at getting everything I need for free as much as humanly possible. I do this with all my household products and it’s the same with my bills. 

Whenever I’d go to an essential oil class, I’d take my Zyto Scanner with me. I’d charge $5 to scan each person and always had a long line of customers. It was my way of covering the $40/month fee it cost to have it.

If you don’t know what the Zyto Scanner is, it’s basically this mouse that you put your hand on and it reads your body. It tells you exactly what supplements and nutrients your body needs.

I’ve had my bioscanner for over 10 years now. I’ve scanned tons of people. I’ve scanned myself 518 times. It’s amazing. I LOVE it. It has been invaluable to me and my family over the years in so many different ways! 

And in scanning people with it, I started noticing a pattern.

It doesn’t just pick up what supplements we need like it says it does but it also detects our emotions! That’s right, a mouse that knows your emotions. Seriously cool, huh!!!

The more I scanned people, the more I noticed everyone had a smile on their face. Happy go lucky, nothing is wrong. But the scanner knows otherwise.

I remember one man in particular, I’ll never forget, had like 5 oils pop up in his scan, all for deep, darkest depression. I didn’t want to tell him when he asked me what the results meant. It was hard to say. But I did tell him as that’s what he paid me to do. When I did, he ran away quick.

He knew…….we both knew.

It’s a funny thing…a smile. Sometimes, it means absolutely nothing!!! 💯

SO many people I scanned all dealt with SOME sort of depression, sadness, loss, darkness, feelings of insecurity, pain, suffering. And they all had smiles on their faces. Until after the scan and we started to talk.

From the outside, you couldn’t tell the difference, but when I scanned them, you absolutely can.

So you can’t tell me that you’re not hurting.

Don’t tell ME that you don’t have any pain at all.

That you’re not struggling with something, dealing with something.

Don’t tell me that everything is perfect and your life is absolutely amazing. 

I know otherwise. 💯

We’re ALL dealing with SOMEthing, whether it’s small or big.

We all have pain.

We all have people in our lives that are hurting us or that we wish so much they’d repent and turn from their sinful, blasphemous ways.

It’s hard to see them each time, knowing they are falling from grace, rejecting it, getting deeper and deeper into the path of death (Proverbs 14:12).

Knowing they are being led to the slaughter, knowing they are throwing their whole life away and they don’t even know it. They can’t even see it. They don’t care. All they care about it that temporal, worldly moment. Maybe it’s your son, your daughter, your husband, your friend. Maybe it’s the person down the street or someone you just met.

75% of you out there go to bed at night in tears. Don’t lie…not to ME…I’m your friend. I’m here…and I know better because I’ve seen.

The world is full of broken people.

So I know you’re struggling. I know you’re in pain. I know you’re suffering. Many of you are struggling even right now and you hide it behind a smile because the world says you have to have everything all together.

The world says you have to look like you’re perfect and everything is going great. You’ve learned that no one wants to be around you when you’re sad and you’ve learned to hide your pain and you do it so well.

Your demons chase you. They taunt you day and night and you can’t seem to get rid of them no matter how hard you try.

The world tears you down and you can’t seem to shake it. They make you feel caged, like you’ll never amount to anything, never do anything worthwhile, like you’re nothing, a nobody and they make you think they are everything; so much better than you because THEY have it all together, THEY are perfect, THEY have “that” smile plastered on. 

This is what people are dealing with, the people that we serve. This is the pain and torment behind the smiles of the people you talk to, that you shepherd as a ministry leader and we need to understand that!

We absolutely must get past the fake smiles and really get to the heart of the matter and help heal people where it matters, in their hearts. We must walk with them through their trauma, to help them overcome their loss, grief, devastations and help them to FIGHT, teaching them that our strength comes from God and through HIS power and HIS mercy, love, and care for us, we CAN be victorious.

We CAN get through this.

We CAN live a life on fire for Him and His purposes.

We CAN fly!

And those that do not listen, those that continue to reject God and go down their own sinful path and refuse to mortify their sin after they’ve been confronted (Matthew 18:15-17), we are called to still love them, but to step back from them in your life (lest YOU fall with them- 1 Corinthians 15:33), always praying for them to be restored to God and to get back on track.

I tell you the truth, leave them alone, step back from them, and give it all in God’s hands. Let HIM work because He will continue to try to get them on the right path if they are a believer. WE cannot change other people but God CAN! I have personally seen some men who never return from their wicked ways (and their genuine salvation at that point should be questioned), but I have also seen some who do!!! 🎉

One man comes to mind who was being absolutely prideful and arrogant. His pride was so disgusting and permeated everything he did. I confronted him and at first, he was open to it and tried to change, but as time went on, he became indignant and refused. I let the friendship go. A few months later, he came back to me, humble as all can be, and I rejoice so much for God’s hand in his life and also for his willingness to change what must be changed. 

With the pride gone now, he is one of the most biblical men I know! 💎

THAT is the power of Christ.

THAT is sanctification. 

THAT is a testimony to our Lord of what HE can do and what He wants to do in the hearts and lives of every believer. To restore broken relationships with Him, to be reconciled fully, and to give others a reason to rejoice over the victory.

I’m not like the world. I don’t run away when someone’s sad or hurting. I wanna help. I run TO those people who are hurting. That’s what God put me here for (Isaiah 61:1-4). That’s why He gives me so much empathy.

So, for YOU…right now, today, this morning, I wanna say that I know you’re suffering. And that God does too. And we care about you.

All I want you to do is admit to YOURSELF that things are not 100% perfect in your life. It’s okay that they’re not. It’s okay that you feel horrible. You’re not gonna be feeling like this forever. This isn’t the end.

It’s okay to not have everything together! 💯 It’s okay to be sad. We are taught we shouldn’t show or have emotions. It’s a sign of weakness if we do they say, but it’s not.

You’re gonna be okay.

Hope is not lost.

Hold on…don’t let go. Fight for your life, your happiness, for God.

Just take one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. You can do this. God’s got you in His precious and very capable hands.

You can get through this!! ❤️

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