Hi! I’m trying to make sure the hello world example program works before I start making my own projects for university. I followed the instructions on this site: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/get-started/linux-macos-setup.html#get-started-get-esp-idf. I also configured ESP IDF on vscode with the extension. But, when I loaded up the hello world program, it gave me the two errors about the importing. This is the pytest_hello_world.py file, where I’m getting the errors:
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
import hashlib
import logging
from typing import Callable
import pytest
from pytest_embedded_idf.dut import IdfDut
from pytest_embedded_qemu.app import QemuApp
from pytest_embedded_qemu.dut import QemuDut
def test_hello_world(
dut: IdfDut, log_minimum_free_heap_size: Callable[..., None]
) -> None:
dut.expect('Hello world!')
def verify_elf_sha256_embedding(app: QemuApp, sha256_reported: str) -> None:
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
with open(app.elf_file, 'rb') as f:
sha256_expected = sha256.hexdigest()
logging.info(f'ELF file SHA256: {sha256_expected}')
logging.info(f'ELF file SHA256 (reported by the app): {sha256_reported}')
# the app reports only the first several hex characters of the SHA256, check that they match
if not sha256_expected.startswith(sha256_reported):
raise ValueError('ELF file SHA256 mismatch')
@pytest.mark.esp32 # we only support qemu on esp32 for now
def test_hello_world_host(app: QemuApp, dut: QemuDut) -> None:
sha256_reported = (
dut.expect(r'ELF file SHA256:\s+([a-f0-9]+)').group(1).decode('utf-8')
verify_elf_sha256_embedding(app, sha256_reported)
dut.expect('Hello world!')
Did I not install a specific prereq, or did I mess up the installation in anyway? Btw, I’m on mac os ventura. I’m sorry if this is a stupid question but I’ve just spent a lot of time redoing the installations but this error keeps popping up. Thank you so much!