This cozy farming sim is just a sleepy frog that idly grinds on your desktop all day – and it’s the best $4 I’ve spent in ages

Cozy farming sims are all the rage right now. They’re everywhere. But maybe the chillest farming sim of all is one that doesn’t ask you to farm. Or socialize. Or do much of anything, actually. Enter Ropuka’s Idle Island, the best $4/£3 I’ve spent in ages. 

Ropuka’s Idle Island is exactly what the name suggests. Ropuka is a sleepy frog person who lives on an island of grass. His home rests idly anywhere on your desktop while you chill, play other games, get sucked into internet rabbit holes, watch anime, pay taxes, or do work. He’s even waving his green hand up at me while I write these very words.

Ropuka’s Idle Island Steam Trailer – YouTube
Ropuka's Idle Island Steam Trailer - YouTube

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